PO Box 95
Lyttelton 8841
Te Ūaka recognises Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke as Mana Whenua and Mana Moana for Te Whakaraupō / Lyttelton Harbour.
'Whakaraupō by Nature' offers a dive into the rich tapestry of Whakaraupō Lyttelton Harbour's natural environment, its volcanic origins, distinctive red stones, and diverse geography that foster a unique ecosystem. This view encompasses the marine life teeming beneath the waves, including elusive sand sharks or pioke, and shellfish, alongside the terrestrial bountyof its surrounding hills, home to a vibrant array of flora and fauna. These stories paint a vivid picture of the harbour's ecological richness, from its intricate marine habitats to the life-sustaining vegetation covering its slopes, highlighting the interconnectedness of life in this unique volcanic landscape. 'Whakaraupō by Nature' celebrates the natural beauty and biodiversity of Whakaraupō, and highlights the critical importance of conserving this ecological haven for the enrichment of future generations.